The last few weeks in Shasta had its highs and lows. My family in the USA has never been normal to say the least; however I am fortunate that friends ensured that I great trip.
My last adventure was a mini road trip to Sacramento and Lake Tahoe. South Lake Tahoe boarders with Nevada - one side is a California Ski town and the other side is Nevada full of casinos. I stayed the night on the Nevada side with a friend and had a great night of gambling. Meanwhile it was snowing outside and before you know it there was a foot of snow! I had never seen that much snow since I was a little girl, it was stunning.
Now back in the UK everything feels the same and there was no culture shock to be had. I feel in my heart that that England is home but I don't think that my time in the USA is over. Over the holidays and the new year I will be putting the necessary steps in play to decide my future.