Ranting, raving and representing great work by friends and strangers
Friday, 5 February 2010
Hungover and tired I crawled into bed last night to vegetate in front of the tube. I decided to watch Tim Burton's Beetle Juice for the first time. How Edward Scissor Hands is one of my all time favorite T.B. films and I missed this 1988 classic is embarrassing to say the least. I was sucked in from the start. The production and costume design was out of this world. A brutally honest example that wardrobe and art department budgets within smaller artistic films today are not what they used to be. I loved the rawness of the sets, the dated post production and most of all the costumes. I have news for you London College of Fashion students and Shoreditchubers - you are unorigional and about 10 years behind! May I present the work of fellow YANK and costume designer Aggie Guerard Rodgers. Leather head scarf made of gloves?! Bloody amazing! Visit Aggie Guerard Rogers website here: Aggie Rogers Costume Design
In English-speaking countries outside the United States, Yankee, universally shortened to 'Yank', is used as a playful or referential colloquial term for Americans. Depending on the country, 'Yank' may be considered mildly derogatory. I am Roxy the YANK. American born and raised currently residing in London, England. Here to bring you derogatory dialogue about all things creative.
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