I have amazing friends - fact.
These are the very people that will make it extremely hard to adapt back in America without them in my life on a regular basis. People say 'your friends are your friends no matter where you are in the world' - I suppose, however it wont make it any easier to leave them behind. These are the very people who have filled my life with endless laughter and memories. I am so fortunate to have made various groups of friends for every era of my life in England - they are fantastic people from all walks of life.
Tuesday was host to the 'Soho Crew' - my dearest friends from my time spent in media. They threw me a surprise meal outside in the terraced garden at Aurora in Soho. They clubbed together and bought me a stunning silver necklace from Van Den Burg with two charms; the letter 'R' and a cowboy boot (very symbolic.) One of the girls made a fantastic black and white collage of the 'best of' photos over the last couple years which was extremely thoughtful and quite emotional to receive.
We ate steaks, drank Prosecco, and were 'merry'... lots of drunken photos were taken throughout the course of the evening and the shots steadily got worse by our final destination - The Blues Bar.
I love those guys so much and I will miss their banter and crazy antics.
so glad we could do it for you dirty.... wont forget it. garden at aurora never lets us down eh! sorry i had to leave early.... loved dinner though. xxxxx